Lomo Saltado

This dish is served in restaurants throughout Peru, and you can find it on the menus of both the greasy spoon joints and white tablecloth establishments. It originated in the kitchens of Chinese immigrants who adapted their cooking to the local ingredients (creating a style of food known in Peru as “chifa”). Somehow, Lomo Saltado was so inspired that it escaped the confines of “ethnic cuisine” to become a mainstream Peruvian staple, and one that my kids love.

We ate Lomo Saltado countless times in Peruvian restaurants, but I never tried to make it while we were living there. Once I returned home, however, and thought about the uniquely Peruvian dishes that I most enjoyed, memories of Lomo Saltado bubbled to the surface, and I just had to try my hand at this Peruvian classic. I think this recipe works pretty well.



1.     Prepare French fries: Peel the potatoes, cut into strips or wedges, soak in ice water, and dry on a towel. Fry in oil (325°) until golden (about 8 min). Drain French fries on newspaper or paper towel and put on a baking sheet in a 200° oven. Put the pot with oil aside: you will use this again for a second frying.

2.     Heat 2 T. oil in a frying pan or wok over high heat. Season the sliced meat with salt and pepper. Fry the meat until it is almost cooked through, and it has just begun to release its juices.

3.     Remove the meat from the pan, and then cook the onions (using additional oil if needed) on high heat for 2-3 min.

4.     Add the tomato slices and chili pepper to the onions and stir; cook until the tomato softens and begins to render its juices and then cook 3 min. more.

5.     Meanwhile, put pot with French fry oil the back on a burner and to heat to 375°.

6.     Returning to the vegetables, stir in the vinegar and soy sauce. Season with salt and pepper.

7.     Add the meat to the vegetables and cook until the beef is done (2-3 min. more). Remove from heat.  

8.     When the French fry oil has reached 375°, add the fries and fry again until they’re golden brown (about 2 min). Drain on newspaper or paper towels.

9.     Serve the Lomo Saltado over white rice. Arrange French fries on top and sprinkle with chopped oregano.